Are you wearing the wrong shoes? Know how to choose the right one

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Are you wearing the wrong shoes? Know how to choose the right one

Foot Pain Treatment In Gurgaon

The first time a human wore a footwear was more than 40,000 years back. Although originally shoes were worn for their protective function, the expectations and requirement of footwear has changed considerably in the recent times. Appropriate choice of footwear these days is decided by three factors: form, function and fit. Form refers to the aesthetic design of the foot and is the most important aspect in fashion industry. Function addresses its purpose and fit relates to the ability of the footwear to accommodate to the shape of the foot. Fit is one of the most vital aspects of the footwear as a good fit translates to its ability to function as per the needs. It is nearly impossible to design a footwear that can fulfil all the three factors and people end on compromising on one or two.

Wearing a footwear that accommodates the foot both in width and length is even more critical in old age population as the shape of the feet changes with old age. Many people, especially womendevelop broader feet with ageing secondary to problems like arthritis, flat feet and bunions. Moreover, unilateral deformity might lead to difference in shoe size of both the feet of an individual. Hence standard female footwear may not fit well to their feet. It becomes very difficult for the elderly people to find an appropriate fit shoe that accommodates all the dimensions of the deformed foot.

Similarly, an incorrectly fitted footwear may be associated with a higher risk of serious consequences like ulcers and hence infection in diabetics. Diabetic patients have a high chance of having diabetic neuropathy which leads to numbness in both feet. Any minor trauma or pressure from a tight shoe can cause blisters and wounds in the feet. Diabetics wearing misfit shoes are 5 times more likely to have foot ulceration as per a study. It is noted that the forefootof diabetic patients is broader than the normal. So many of them when buying shoes of adequate length end up buying narrower shoes.

This is proven that a comfortable shoe and good foot health are interdependent and interconnected. Shoes help to protect the foot from injury and provide comfort while walking. A misfit footwear is associated with not just pain in foot but deformities as well as pain in the proximal parts of the body like knee, hip and back. It can also increase the risk of injuries and can affect your gait. Hence it is essential to pick up a suitable pair for a pain free foot.

Are you wearing the wrong shoes?

The purpose of the shoes is to provide some help in shock absorption by giving adequate cushion  along with providing necessary support. At the same time, shoes are also considered as a fashion statement for everyone. So people sometimes compromise with their comfort just to fit in a fancy pair of shoes. According to a research conducted in US, almost 70% of the participants were wearing shoes that did not accommodate the length or the width of the shoes. A misfit shoe can result in various foot problems:

  • The aching foot is the most common problem faced by women due to inappropriate choice of shoes. A study quoted that approximately three-fourths of the women suffer from aching foot, and in the majority of cases, the reason is ill-fit shoes.
  • There is a universal agreement that wearing heels higher than 2 inches is associated with worsening of a lot of foot problems. Stilettos are associated with higher foot pain and future risk of problems like foot arthritis, bunions and Haglund’s deformity. Apart from that, high heels are also associated with a higher risk of knee pain and future arthritis.

Hencewe shouldavoid wearing heels every day and save them for special events.

  • Tight shoes make feet more prone to fungal infection and pain that can lead to a disease like athlete’s foot.
  • Ladies wearing shoes with a narrow toe box have a higher risk of problems like bunion in the future.
  • Frequently wearing short shoes can misalign the toes and result in hammertoes (curling of the toes), which further increases the pressure on the foot.
  • Extreme loose shoes can also lead to problems like blisters(a sac of fluids) due to friction or multiple times rubbing of the foot against the sole of the shoe.

So if you also have the habit of wearing short, tight, or loose shoes and you need to think again. Ill-fit shoes can act as a punishment for your feet.

How to choose your perfect fit?

Choosing right and fit pair of shoes is no rocket science. All you have to do is keep the following things in mind while buying new shoes:

  • Usually, go shopping for footwear after late afternoon because the muscles of the foot are generally elongated in the daytime.
  • You must wear your regular socks before you try the new shoe so that you get exact fit shoes after putting on the socks.
  • Make sure that your new shoe has enough room for movement of toes and heels. Approx half an inch space should be present before the index toe and the end of the shoe.
  • Measure the size of shoe everytime you buy one as the shape of the foot may change with time.
  • The size of both your feet may be different. You should go for the size of larger foot.
  • Take a walk and observe if you have any discomfort while standing or walking.
  • If a footwear is not comfortable while wearing for the first time, it should not be bought. There is a less likelihood that it would stretch with time.
  • Pay attention to the inside material of the foot. Tags and the rough surface can irritate the foot. This is especially important in diabetics who have neuropathy and are at risk of ulcers. Diabetic patients should go for shoes that can provide a soft base to the feet and prevent ulcers.
  • A proper examination of the sole of the shoes is needed. The bottom of the shoes should be made of a material that provides better grips and is durable.
  • Proper selection of shoes based on feet deformity should be done. For patients with bunions, shoes with wider toe box is necessary. Similarly patients with hammer toe must have adequate depth in the front of the shoe to accommodate deformed toes. Boots are good options for those with ankle instabilty as they give a support to the ankle from all sides.
  • Footwear should also be chosen based on the type of foot. Overpronators or those with flat feet go well with extra support while those with supinated feet need extra cushioning.
  • Sturdy pair of boots with steel-toed work is an excellent option for people who have to lift heavy weights regularly. These types of shoes can safeguard them from fracturing their toes or ingrown nail development due to a hit on foot.

So be extra careful when you are selecting your footwear and abstain from wearing uncomfortable pairs. A mere neglect while buying a pair of shoes may translate into a foot disorder in the future. Also, perform foot exercises to improve the strength of all the 26 bones, joints,ligaments and muscles of the feet. In case if you want to know personalized foot exercise or Foot Pain Treatment In Gurgaon, then book your appointment with Dr. Anuj Chawla. He is an honorable foot and ankle specialist who has treated several foot problems.

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