How your foot health becomes important for the quality of life?

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How your foot health becomes important for the quality of life?

foot pain treatment in Gurgaon

Your feet play a critical role in performing daily activities like jogging in the park, going to the office, and other similar movements. Our foot is an art of almighty where many muscles, tendon, ligament, joints and bones come together and function in a coordinated and graceful manner. In a nutshell, healthy feet boost our sense of independence. But everything comes with a set of responsibilities. To carry out all the activities of mobility, you need to take care of the feet. Your feet not only affects your daily activities, but can severely affect your entire body and in turn, your quality of life. Let’s discuss the importance of foot health and how quality of life is dependent on foot health.

How your foot health becomes important for the quality of life?

  • Poor Posture due to foot pain

Due to foot pain, it is evident that you won’t be able to walk in a regular way. If this pain persists then, it will affect your posture to walk and stand. This can lead to a vicious cycle and further harm the joints of the foot as excess pressure will be exerted on them. So it is crucial to take expert advice to avoid complications in foot pain treatment.

  • Malfunction in the body can be a sign of poor foot health

It is strange but true that your feet affect the complete body as there are millions of nerves in the foot that are connected to the brain. If these nerves are not functioning well, then the brain may take some steps which can overcompensate the situation affecting the main structure of the body. This is the reason you find many acupuncture and acupressure therapies involving foot to provide relief to the complete body.

  • Poor Alignment of the complete body

If you have not trained your feet muscles enough, then with time, your feet can suffer from the problem of fallen arches or flat feet. Arch is helpful in redistribution of pressure to sole of the feet that helps during walking or running. If the arch is collapsed, then there will be an abnormal stress distribution leading to increased pressure on inner aspect of the feet. This can further lead to pain and worsening of function.

  • Is your back or knee pain is a result of your foot condition?

There is a high chance that if you are suffering from foot problems, then you may face pain in the knee, back or joints. For example, issues like Plantar Fasciitis and stress fractures can compel the patient to walk in a strange way causing intense pressure on the backbone or knees.

  • Lack of foot hygiene may lead to skin infections

Wearing tight footwear or bulky socks in summers can lead to extreme sweating in the feet which makes the skin prone to many infections like Athlete’s foot, and unfortunately, these problems can spread across the body due to improper care.

Take some time off to pamper your foot

The ultimate advice that Dr Anuj Chawla– the leading foot and ankle specialist wants to give to all the people is to take proper care of the feet just like the other body parts. Keep them clean and moisturize enough to avoid cracks. One can also perform some simple foot exercises for 5-10 minutes daily to strengthen the foot muscles.

If you are still facing any foot problem, then you can book your appointment with Dr. Anuj Chawla for foot pain treatment in Gurgaon. He has an experience of more than a decade and has treated many patients successfully till date.

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