Fractures (in Foot and Ankle)

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Fractures (in Foot and Ankle)

Injuries to the feet & ankle are quite common and this can also lead to broken bones. A fracture may range from hairline fracture (small fractures) to those that are displaced and separate the bone into 3 or more pieces. These types of fractures are also called as comminuted fractures.

The bones and joints in foot and ankle are very sensitive and thus more prone to breaks and injury. Hence it is highly advisable to communicate with a reputed doctor, in case of any deformation. The fractures in the foot and ankle region include-

Distal Tibia and Pilon Fracture: When the shinbone (tibia) near the ankle breaks, it is called Distal Tibia (pilon) fracture. Most often, the break occurs in both the fibula and tibia bones of the lower leg. Though it is very rare, yet these fractures are common in recent years . Those who survive from high-speed car crashes and other forms of high velocity trauma often sustain Pilon fracture.

Ankle Fracture and Dislocation:A fracture and dislocation of ankle occurs when the relation between the bones forming the ankle mortise (tibia, fibula and talus) is disrupted. These fractures tend to be highly unstable and if left attended, can lead to catastrophic complications. It is important to consult an orthopaedician for evaluation of these injuries.

Talus Fracture: Talus plays a crucial role in the movement of the ankle. A fracture in the ankle can result in a significant loss of its function and motion. It can lead to serious complications if it does not heal at the right time. Many a times, talus fractures need urgent surgery for complete recovery.

Calcaneal Fracture: The large bone that forms the foundation of heel of the foot is known as  calcaneus. Calcaneal fractures are often caused due to traumatic events like falling from the stairs and heights, crush against the floorboard, or being in an accident. Repetitive stress/overuse on heel bone can also lead to calcaneal stress fractures.

Midfoot Fractures- Navicular, Cuboid: Isolated midfoot fractures most commonly affect navicular, and in rare cases the cuboid bones. Though they can be minor avulsion or stress fractures, yet it is necessary to take orthopedic treatment. Most of the times, these fractures can be managed with a plaster but in some occasions, they need surgery. So do consult an orthopaedic specialist if you suspect to have this injury.

Lisfranc Fracture and Dislocation: A dislocation of the midfoot is called a Lisfranc dislocation that can disrupt 1 or more tarsometatarsal joints. X-rays or CT is recommended to diagnose the defect. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications like early arthritis and persistent pain and swelling in foot. Early treatment is imperative for a better outcome.

Metatarsal Fracture: A metatarsal fracture is defined as the complete or incomplete break in one of the 2 metatarsal bones that are present in each foot. It can happen due to injury and fall but chronic repetitive stress can lead to stress injuries as well. Metatarsal stress fractures are one of the most common stress injuries in athletes, runners and military recruits.

Toe Injuries: Jammed Toe, Cuts, Bruises, scrapes in toe, dislocations, toenail injury, smashed toe, fractures all come under toe injuries. Some are severally throbbing and painful that can deform your toe or nail permanently. Hence, to avoid that situation, don’t forget to consult a doctor!

  • Foot and ankle fractures are common in athletes and sportsperson. They often suffer from this issue, but this can also happen to anyone just due to one misstep.Here are some of the causes that can lead to fractures in foot and ankle-
    • Twisting the ankle
    • Rolling In and out the ankle
    • Poor Quality of Footwear
    • Direct Stress/Force applied on foot or ankle
    • Osteoporosis
    • Falling or landing directly on your feet
    • Kicking hard or dropping a heavyweight on the foot

To detect the fracture in the foot or ankle, observe these symptoms first-

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Deformity in shape (misalignment of ankle or foot)
  • Severe Pain & discomfort
  • Hearing Pop or snap sound during the time of injury
  • Trouble in walking or carrying weight
  • Pain in foot on running or walking long distance in runners and military personnel

While most of the foot fractures can be managed non-operatively with RICE (Rest, Compression, Ice and Elevation) and a plaster or a boot, many of the ankle fractures need surgery to have a more predictable outcome. While managing these fractures, it is necessary to evaluate the local skin and soft tissue condition and to address them to decide the best management. Dr Anuj Chawla has a vast experience in managing fractures in foot and ankle region. He is one of the few surgeons in India who has done Swiss based AO course for managing foot and ankle fractures.

+ Causes
  • Foot and ankle fractures are common in athletes and sportsperson. They often suffer from this issue, but this can also happen to anyone just due to one misstep.Here are some of the causes that can lead to fractures in foot and ankle-
    • Twisting the ankle
    • Rolling In and out the ankle
    • Poor Quality of Footwear
    • Direct Stress/Force applied on foot or ankle
    • Osteoporosis
    • Falling or landing directly on your feet
    • Kicking hard or dropping a heavyweight on the foot
+ Symptoms

To detect the fracture in the foot or ankle, observe these symptoms first-

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Deformity in shape (misalignment of ankle or foot)
  • Severe Pain & discomfort
  • Hearing Pop or snap sound during the time of injury
  • Trouble in walking or carrying weight
  • Pain in foot on running or walking long distance in runners and military personnel
+ Treatment

While most of the foot fractures can be managed non-operatively with RICE (Rest, Compression, Ice and Elevation) and a plaster or a boot, many of the ankle fractures need surgery to have a more predictable outcome. While managing these fractures, it is necessary to evaluate the local skin and soft tissue condition and to address them to decide the best management. Dr Anuj Chawla has a vast experience in managing fractures in foot and ankle region. He is one of the few surgeons in India who has done Swiss based AO course for managing foot and ankle fractures.

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