Can HyProCure surgery help in flatfoot treatment?

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Can HyProCure surgery help in flatfoot treatment?

Flatfoot  is a structural deformity characterized by collapse of the arch and outward deviation of the heel and the forefoot. It may be painless in the initial stages but may lead to foot, knee, and back pain as the time progresses. Sometimes, the patient’s condition progresses to a level where physical therapy may not be effective to cure the problem. In such a situation, your medical expert may suggest you to undergo a surgery. One such approach to correct misalignment is HyProCure surgery. Let’s discuss how this treatment can help in flatfoot treatment effectively.

What is HyProCure surgery? How it is performed?

It is a minimally invasive surgical approach to treat this structural deformity. During this procedure, the surgeon inserts a small titanium stent into the sinus tarsi area (which is under the ankle joint). It acts as an internal orthotic device for the foot and restricts it from abnormal foot movements like overpronation.

The size of the stent may differ according to the age of the patient and size of the sinus tarsi canal. HyProCure surgery does not limit the normal range of motion but enables the user to have control over abnormal movements and optimize overall functionality. It can work as a stand alone procedure in early cases and with mild deformity but in severe cases, sometimes additional procedures may be needed.

Unlike external orthotics, these stents are permanent and can stay in place for several years without loosening. It only takes 20-30 minutes in performing this treatment. Around 95% of patients  (adults and children) get the misalignment of foot treated permanently with this option.

Is HyProCure a safe option for children?

HyProCure is considered a safe option for children as well as adults. Though it is recommended for all the age groups, the results are best for children and young adults in which the deformity is not advanced and the tendons and ligaments are fine as well. It helps the children in aligning their bones and joint properly so that the heel and ankle can provide enough support to the movements and avoid inward rolling. It offers stability and improves the patient’s gait.

Why is this option preferred for treating foot deformity?

The advantage of HyproCure over other surgeries is that it is performed without doing any significant cutting or breaking of bones or tendons. The procedure itself is very short and patient can start putting weight immediately after the surgery. Hence it causes minimal damage to the overall biology of foot thus leading to a quicker and better recovery. It helps in correcting the alignment of the foot so that the walk can be more stable and weight of the body is distributed well over the heel, arch and toes.

How much time is required for post-surgery recovery?

The time to recover from this surgery depends on the condition and hence differs from patient to patient. Usually, within the first week of recovery phase, the patient can start walking and range of motion activities. Gradually, after 2-3  weeks, the person can walk further and return to his work/ office if he wants. But meanwhile, he needs to consult with the surgeon for review and further updates on rehab plan. After around 12 weeks, the surgeon may expect a complete recovery, and all the activities are unrestricted.

If you want to treat flatfoot permanently, then you can opt for HyProcure surgery. But before making a decision, take a piece of advice from a specialist. You can consult Dr. Anuj Chawla for the same. He is the only Hyprocure doctor in Gurgaon, Haryana and Tricity and one of the few doctors in India who is trained and accredited to do HyproCure Surgery.

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