5 Minutes Routine For Healthy Achilles Tendons

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foot and ankle specialist in Gurgaon
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5 Minutes Routine For Healthy Achilles Tendons

Achilles Tendon is the hardest and thickest tendon in the human body. It’s a tough band of fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. It helps in raising the heel cord up to the ground while walking or doing any other exercise.

Interestingly the muscle got it’s name from the Greek mythology- the toughest warrior Achilles. To stretch and strengthen it up, here are some quick routine exercises that you can add to your routine for healthy Achilles tendons.

These exercises can also be performed if you are suffering from inflammation in Achilles tendon called as Achilles tendonitis. However, in such cases, these should always be performed under supervision of a specialist.

  1. Wall push or standing calf stretches:


  • Stand facing a wall at an arm length distance away.
  • Stick your hands on the wall at shoulder height.
  • While keeping your back straight, move your right foot backward as far as you don’t have to lean your back.
  • Push your hands into the wall, your heels should touch the floor.
  • You will feel the stretch in the right calf.
  • Try to hold for 30-40 seconds.
  • Now get back into normal position and switch the sides, repeat it for the other feet.
  • These exercises should be done first with knee straight when it stretches the muscle named Gastrocnemius and then with knees bent when it stretches the Soleus muscle.


  1. Sitting calf stretches :


  • Sit down on the floor, usually the way you relax yourself, stretch your leg in a straight direction.
  • Use a piece of cloth or resistance band around the ball of one of the feet.
  • Don’t bend your knee and keep it straight and pull the cloth towards yourself until you feel stretch.
  • You can hold for 20-30 seconds, repeat the same exercise 4-5 times for both feet.
  1. Both heel raise and single heel raise:







This exercise is also called concentric calf strengthening as the muscle shortens when it is contracting.

  • Stand on the floor with both the knees straight .
  • Raise both the heels as high as possible and try to stand on your tip toes.
  • Lower down the heel and stand straight again.
  • Perform this exercises with knee straight and then with knee bent
  • Do similar exercise while standing tip toe on one leg (good leg first) with knee straight first and then with knee bent.


Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise. Progress to the next exercise only if you are able to do the previous one with minimal difficuly or pain.

  1. Double and single heel drop :







This exercise is also called eccentric calf strengthening as the muscle lengthens when it is contracting.

  • Stand on a step on the ball of feet of both toes and heel hanging off the edge of the step. The knees should be held straight.
  • Raise the heel as high as possible thus standing tip toes.
  • Lower the heels now so that the heels drop below the edge of the step.
  • Perform these exercises first with knee straight and then with the knee bent
  • Progress to doing similar exercise by standing on only one leg (the good leg first) with the knees straight and then with the knees bent.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise. Progress to the next exercise only if you are able to do the previous one with minimal difficuly or pain.

 These are some activities you can do to stretch as well as strengthen your Achilles tendon & make it feel better. The best way to improve your lower leg strength is by working on your leg’s flexibility and walking balance daily. If you are suffering from pain due to Achilles tendonitis or any other foot ailment, you can book an appointment with Dr Anuj Chawla, the foot and ankle specialist in Gurgaon.



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