5 Foot Problems That Can Be Serious

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5 Foot Problems That Can Be Serious

There are many types of foot problems that can cause you pain in the long run. In the following article we will discuss the five-foot problems that are quite common but if not taken care of, can turn into very serious ones:

Flat foot

Many individuals have flat feet i.e. no arch or very low arch. So, when they are walking or standing their feet may roll to the inner side. This is called overpronation thus causing the inner feet to touch the ground. This might result in joint pain. The possible symptoms of the flat foot are a pain in the feet, heel, lower legs, lower back, hip, knee, and calf. In such cases, you should consult a doctor. They will examine your feet, ask you to do some exercise, and also give proper treatment.


Abnormalities of feet cause bunions by developing a bump on the big toe joint, also known as hallux valgus. According to the doctors, wearing tight or narrow shoes is the leading cause of the bunion as shoes exert pressure on the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP). As a result, a bunion is formed due to the outward deviation of the big toe towards the second toe. This abnormality not just causes pain in the big toe when walking and difficulty in moving, but can also cause deformity or pain in the other toes

Ingrown toenails

A toenail that starts rising into the nail grove causes this condition. This common foot problem causes significant and continuous discomfort and may cause redness, swelling, pain, or even discharge secondary to infection. To avoid the foot problem, you shouldn’t wear badly-fitting shoes. Misfit shoes put extra pressure on the toes. This condition can also be caused due to improper nail cutting or trimming. To avoid this, you should cut your nails immediately after a bath when nails are not hard and avoid cutting nails in a rounding pattern. Moreover, using antibacterial soap and avoiding pointy tip shoes can avert the foot problem.

Diabetic Neuropathy

If your diabetes level fluctuates a lot, you are prone to Diabetic neuropathy in which the nerves of your feet become damaged. Other factors like smoking, alcoholism, and high blood sugar level also increase the chances of Diabetic neuropathy. The main symptoms of diabetic neuropathy are a pain in the feet, tingling, and numbness. Hence, a person with diabetes should visit a doctor for regular foot examination, especially if they have any foot wounds. 



Corns are among the most common types of foot problems in which patches of thickened skin are formed on the feet or toes. The foot problem is caused by ill-fitting shoes, hammer toe, and bunions. After a period, corns generate pain. In severe cases, surgical removal is needed; otherwise, medicated corn plasters are enough to get relief. It is not advisable to use corn caps if you are diabetic, pregnant, or lactating.

If you have any of the conditions mentioned above or any other foot problems, you can visit Dr. Anuj Chawla, one of the best foot and ankle surgeons in the Delhi-NCR region.

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