Coronavirus Outbreak: Myths vs Facts

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Coronavirus Outbreak: Myths vs Facts

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The world is grappling with the stark implications stemming out of the uncontrolled coronavirus pandemic. Healthcare infrastructure is under severe stress. Precious lives are being lost in large numbers (over 130k fatalities so far). Economic fragility is peaking, unemployment rate is mounting, and supply chain breakdown is hurting millions across the globe. With no sign of cure or vaccine being available in foreseeable future, nations are deploying strict and discrete measures to arrest the impact of this unprecedented crisis.

In this digital age, populations are benefitting from the constant flow of information related to Covid19. Social media and instant messaging platforms are buzzing with videos, memes and trending hashtags; print media is being flooded with opined articles and by-liners from pundits, and news channels inundated with harried correspondents trying to bring every piece of information at your fingertips is quite common.

However, it becomes an arduous task for an individual to sift authentic and trustable information from the copious stream of content. As a result, a myriad of myths related to coronavirus has surrounded all of us. These myths incorporate multitudes of aspects connected to coronavirus – etiology, symptoms, vulnerability, treatment by home remedies, drugs/vaccines available, food habits, immunity boosters, effect of weather on virus potency etc. – which could be equally dangerous as the coronavirus itself. In a recent incident in Iran, more than 600 people died from the consumption of high-concentrated alcohol based on a rumor that it could prevent infection from coronavirus. The severity of these misplaced myths/fake news about the hazardous cures and viral hoaxes can be judged from such unfortunate episodes.

Based on my expertise and knowledge in medicine and healthcare, I have made an earnest attempt to dissect many of these myths in a 2-part video series . The realities busting these fallacies that you see in the videos have been fact checked and corroborated through reliable and bona fide resources like WHO. I firmly believe that we as individuals need to play a much bigger role in this fight against the coronavirus and we can begin by putting a stop to misinformation about the contagion being circulated online.

About the Author

Dr. Anuj Chawla is one of the leading Orthopedics and Foot & Ankle Surgeon in India. He can be contacted at For consultation with Dr. Anuj, book an appointment by visiting the website:

Twitter: @dranujortho


Coronavirus MYTH vs FACTS Video :
Part 1 :
Part 1 :

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